Over 50 people and organisations were treated to a lunchtime performance from the Real Theatre People Co.
The interactive and challenging performance covers issues faced by older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people when they go in
to care or nursing homes; and was given as part of the OLGA AGM.
OLGA works with service providers, giving training to raise awareness of older LGBT issues – Equality Means Mind Your Language or (Bin ‘Next of Kin’)
The AGM gave an opportunity for Belinda Dennis to highlight best practise used in Thistle Hill Care Home in Knaresborough, owned by the Barchester Group.
For more information about OLGA, training and socials, please email olga@mypostoffice.co.uk, or write to PO Box 458, Scarborough YO11 9EH
Annie Hooper, Marketing & Communications MangerMedia contact:
Mob: 07944210825
Email: media@olga.uk.com